Jobs (sorry no farm visas)

Byron Bay Herb Nursery was established and exists for the principal purpose of providing valued, stable and wage generating employment for people with a disability.

Nursery Hand (vacancy)

To apply for this position you must have a disability and have approved NDIS funding for supported employment or be eligible for NDIS employment funding.

Duties Include: planting seeds, planting cuttings, potting on, labeling stock, pruning, making potting mix & customer service.

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Before you can get a job as a Nursery Hand at Byron Bay Herb Nursery you will need to:

  • Have approved NDIS funding for supported employment or be eligible for NDIS employment funding.

  • Have a disability and require ongoing support to work

  • Want to work in a nursery

  • Be able to learn about nursery skills

  • Get on with co-workers

  • Be able to lift things like plants, trolleys, etc.

  • Be able to look after yourself

  • Be able to catch transport to work independently e.g Taxi

For more information please contact the Nursery Manager on (02) 66 855109 or via our contact form below.

Contact Form