Jobs (sorry no farm visas)
Byron Bay Herb Nursery was established and exists for the principal purpose of providing valued, stable and wage generating employment for people with a disability.
Nursery Hand (vacancy)
To apply for this position you must have a disability and have approved NDIS funding for supported employment or be eligible for NDIS employment funding.
Duties Include: planting seeds, planting cuttings, potting on, labeling stock, pruning, making potting mix & customer service.
Before you can get a job as a Nursery Hand at Byron Bay Herb Nursery you will need to:
Have approved NDIS funding for supported employment or be eligible for NDIS employment funding.
Have a disability and require ongoing support to work
Want to work in a nursery
Be able to learn about nursery skills
Get on with co-workers
Be able to lift things like plants, trolleys, etc.
Be able to look after yourself
Be able to catch transport to work independently e.g Taxi
For more information please contact the Nursery Manager on (02) 66 855109 or via our contact form below.